Handling a Launch#

The django-lti library aims to make the handling of LTI launch messages as straightforward as possible, while still allowing the flexibility to implement required application-specific functionality.

Implementing a Launch view#

To aid tool development django-lti provides LtiLaunchBaseView, a base view which handles many of the tasks that a typical Django-based LTI tool will need to address on every launch.

  • Clearing any preexisting session data

  • Validating the launch data

  • Synchronizing any launch data from the platform with the tools internal data model

  • Adding a launch ID to the session so that launch data can be retrieved during future requests

This still leaves any application-specific details, which can be implemented by overriding the handle_resource_launch() method.

class ApplicationLaunchView(LtiLaunchBaseView):

    def handle_resource_launch(self, request, lti_launch):
        ...  # Application-specific launch handling can happen here.

Each application will handle a launch differently, but common tasks include:

  • Associating the launch user with an application user account

  • Starting an asynchronous task to fetch course members from the platform

  • Redirecting to an appropriate page based on launch data

Handling Deployments#

By default, LtiLaunchBaseView will return an error if the LtiDeployment associated with the launch is inactive. In this case, a tool administrator will need to manually activate each new deployment using the Django admin or a custom built interface.

To implement custom behavior for handling inactive deployments, tools may override the handle_inactive_deployment() method and return a custom response.

class ApplicationLaunchView(LtiLaunchBaseView):

    def handle_inactive_deployment(self, request, lti_launch):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(custom_deployment_activation_url)

Tools wishing to automatically activate new deployments (either universally, or based on specific criteria) may do so by implementing the launch_setup() method.

class ApplicationLaunchView(LtiLaunchBaseView):

    def launch_setup(self, request, lti_launch):
        if not lti_launch.deployment.is_active:
            lti_launch.deployment.is_active = True

Other Launch Messages#

While the majority of LTI launches will be LtiResourceLinkRequest messages handled through handle_resource_launch, LtiLaunchBaseView provides other methods for handling launches with different messages.

Message types and handlers#

LTI message type

LtiLaunchBaseView method









By default, all messages other than LtiResourceLinkRequest return a message indicating that the message type is not supported.
